These popular events featuring OpenStack, Kubernetes and Ceph are fast-tracking open source growth in China.
Over 160 participants competed to create apps in the areas of accessibility, public health, childhood education, safety or mobility.
OpenStack Hackathons are a fast and furious weekend of work that rewards the best projects with fantastic prizes, here’s how you can plan one.
Victor Diaz chats with David Flanders on his experience planning a hackathon and how to get yours up and running.
OpenStack Board Member Edgar Magana on goals, sessions and emotions at the upcoming event.
Team Sensemaya’s healthcare app takes top honors in Guadalajara, earning its team a trip to the OpenStack Summit in Barcelona.
Planning, power naps and a tent will get you through the weekend.
From zero to launch before lunch, Intel’s Travis Broughton takes you behind the scenes at these free training sessions.