How the streaming music service tunes in to Kubernetes, Istio and more.
Defying the holiday lull, the Kata team released 1.5.0-rc2 with support for Amazon’s Firecracker hypervisor, s390x architecture and fixes for shimv2 support.
How the world’s most popular video games runs on open-source tech.
The open-source project working to build a standard implementation of lightweight virtual machines (VMs) celebrates its one-year anniversary. Find out what’s next and how you can get involved.
Mihaela Constantinescu of Sardina Systems shares her perspective.
Using Heat scripts and a Murano app to get up and running quickly.
Author Mina Andrawos offers this overview in a the second part of the series.
Only you can prevent the brush fires in the on-prem prairies that become towering infernos in the cloud, says Oracle’s Greg Marsden.
IBM’s Olaph Wagoner on how the open-source project meshes with Kubernetes and OpenStack.
“We need to remember that open infrastructure is a non-zero sum game,” says Red Hat’s Mark McLoughlin.