Using Heat scripts and a Murano app to get up and running quickly.


Our sales and support engineering teams have developed a set of Heat scripts and a Murano app to deploy MetalK8s and Zenko on OpenStack. These tools allow them to quickly get an environment running to show how Zenko can manage data across multiple cloud storage systems. The support engineering team also uses it to run stress tests and sizing experiments.

The scripts are currently used on Scality’s Platform9 private OpenStack instance but should be general enough to run on any Heat-powered cloud. If you try it out or have any questions, please come talk to us at the Berlin Summit.

The Stack/Application deploys the required minimum system to run Zenko. By default, it does not deploy anything else than the instances, but it can be configured to install Metalk8s only, or Metalk8s and Zenko. It’s available under an Apache 2.0 license on

Get your command line going

You’ll need a functioning environment with an OpenStack CLI tool to run against your OpenStack environment for this to work.

Deploying the template only

openstack stack create –parameter key_name=<key_to_use> –parameter network= -t template.yaml

Deploying the template and metalk8s only

openstack stack create –parameter key_name=<key_to_use> –parameter install=metalk8sonly –parameter zenko_version=1.0.1 –parameter network= -t template.yaml

Deploying the full stack (instances, metalk8s and Zenko)

openstack stack create –parameter key_name=<key_to_use> –parameter install=both –parameter zenko_version=1.0.1 –parameter network= -t template.yaml

Murano packages

The included script,, will generate a zip file that can be used to deploy the stack as well. the Platform9 UI allows creating applications based on Murano packages, which can then be used to deploy zenko/metalk8s as an application by all your authorized Platform9 users.
