Learn how Finnish non-profit, CSC is using their community cloud for research powered by OpenStack.
This week’s OpenInfra Live episode is brought to you by the experts from the OpenStack community, discussing their stories of upgrading in large scale OpenStack infrastructure.
From 3 hours to 15 minutes, how to scale bare metal deployment with Nova and Ironic to several thousand nodes.
Over 90% of the infrastructure in the CERN computer center is managed and provisioned by OpenStack.
Global research organizations gathered at OpenStack Day CERN to share how OpenStack and open collaboration support scientists answering the universe’s big questions.
Lauren Sell reports on bitcoin infrastructure, innovation at CERN and Nokia’s entry to the 100K core club.
Researchers aren’t the only ones trying to unravel a few sticky questions, says Arne Wiebalck.
The current amount of released data is more than 1,400 terabytes, here’s what’s behind it.
Belmiro Moreira, cloud architect, tells Superuser how the research center went from a few hundred nodes to 280,000 cores.
Hints and tips from the CERN OpenStack cloud team