Project team leads Armando Migliaccio and Miguel Lavalle offered updates and insight into what’s next.


At the recent Sydney Summit OpenStack project team leads (PTLs) and core team members offered updates for the OpenStack projects they manage, plus how you can get involved and influence the roadmap.

Superuser features summaries of the videos; you can also catch them on the OpenStack Foundation YouTube channel.

Neutron’s goal is to implement services and associated libraries to provide on-demand, scalable and technology-agnostic network abstraction. Neutron provides networking-as-a-service between interface devices (e.g., vNICs) managed by other Openstack services (e.g., Nova, the compute service).

Who Armando Migliaccio, PTL, for the M, N, and O releases and Miguel Lavalle, PTL for the Queens release.

What’s new

The pair outlined a ton of updates for this latest release:

What’s up for the next release

“For the next release, we’ll continue being focused on stability and community-led improvements,” Migliaccio says. That means “Python 3, once and for all” and solidifying the ability to deliver on fewer use cases but “in a rock-solid fashion,” he adds.

The team is also busy on cross-project work:

Optimization of Nova instances migration with multiple port bindings
● Currently, port binding is triggered in the post_live_migration stage, after the migration has
completed. If the binding process fails, the migrated instance goes to error state
● Proposed solution is to allow multiple port bindings. A new inactive port binding will be
created in the destination host during the pre_live_migration stage. If this step succeeds, then
the migration proceeds
● Once the instance is migrated, the destination host port binding will be activated and the
instance and binding in the source host will be removed
● This will also minimize the interval with no network connectivity for the instance

Check out the full 40-minute talk below and download the slides here.

Get involved!
Use Ask OpenStack for general questions
For roadmap or development issues, subscribe to the OpenStack development mailing list, and use the tag [neturon]
To get code, ask questions, view blueprints, etc, see: Neutron Launchpad Page
Check out Neutron’s regular IRC meetings on the #openstack-meeting channel:
