There’s a lot going on in the OpenStack community and it’s easy to get lost in the noise. We’ve collected the top stories and conversations you need to know about this week. From the latest OpenStack resources to news about users, we share the content you need to stay up to date.
OpenStack creates a structure for managing change without a benevolent dictator
By: Andy Oram
OpenStack depends on the community instead of a single, well-intentioned leader, to give the project direction and balance.
##[The rise of OpenStack in the cloud](
By: Desire Athow
In an interview with Tech Radar, David Fishman, VP of Marketing for Mirantis, explains why OpenStack makes sense for the enterprise and shares the results of benchmarking the company did to determine how quickly private clouds could be provisioned on OpenStack.
##[Growing Up Fast: OpenStack Turns 4](
By: Sebastian Stadil
Scalr reflects on OpenStack’s growth over the past four years and concludes that it’s not just for early adopters anymore.
##[SAP supports open source Cloud Foundry and OpenStack for cloud](
By: Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols
SAP is putting its weight behind a handful of open source projections including OpenStack.
##[The OpenStack Architecture Design Guide Book Sprint](
By: Kevin Jackson
Kevin shares his experience of writing an entire OpenStack guide book in 5 days.
>*”Compared to last year, OpenStack’s individual members have almost doubled in number, while contributors have more than doubled.”* — from [SiliconAngle](
>*”It won’t happen for some time, but I don’t think it’s an overstatement to say that when more complex peering and federation with OpenStack starts happening, players like AWS will start to look quite small.”* — Sean Lynch, CEO of Metacloud, in [Business Cloud News](
>*”…the 4th OpenStack birthday is a community event, not a news event.”* — [Jesse Proudman]( of Blue Box
OpenStack birthday party stickers at #oscon. #OpenStack4Bday
— Justin Erenkrantz (@jerenkrantz) July 23, 2014
Some great tips from @mestery on how to effectively contribute to an open source project: #openSDN
— OpenDaylight Project (@OpenDaylightSDN) July 25, 2014
We caught a glimpse of @TomFifield & @everett_toews signing the #OpenStack Ops guide book at #OSCON14
— OpenStack (@OpenStack) July 23, 2014
We feature user conversations throughout the week, so tweet, blog, or [email us](mailto:[email protected]) your thoughts!
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