Good news, everyone! Kata catches on at KubeCon!
How Platform9 is helping the tech company make a “big push” to transform their stack.
How the streaming music service tunes in to Kubernetes, Istio and more.
How the world’s most popular video games runs on open-source tech.
“We were on the cloud since day one,” says Michael Benedict. “VMs served their purpose but we’re moving everything to Kubernetes.”
“It doesn’t matter who delivers it, how it operates or how it’s provisioned – but it matters how it runs,” says Heptio’s Craig McLuckie.
When you’re hot in tech, you aspire to yawns.
News from the first day of keynotes: huge community growth and lots of projects to show for it.
This week at KubeCon North America, get plugged in to collaborative initiatives between the OpenStack and Kubernetes communities.