VANCOUVER — The OpenStack community and Superuser editorial advisors have weighed in on of all the stellar finalists and chosen the Ontario Institute of Cancer Research (OICR) as the winner of the Vancouver 2018 Superuser Award, sponsored by Zenko.
@OICR_news wins @OpenStack SuperUser award #OpenStackSummit
— Sean Kerner (@TechJournalist) May 21, 2018
Previous winners Tencent TStack presented the award on stage by during Monday’s keynotes.
“OpenStack made it possible for OICR to build the Cancer Genome Collaboratory, a cloud that enables research on the world’s largest and most comprehensive cancer genome dataset…Researchers can run complex analysis across a large repository of cancer genome sequences. Instead of spending weeks to months downloading hundreds of terabytes of data from a central repository before computations can begin, researchers can upload their analytic software into the Collaboratory cloud, run it and download the computed results in a secure fashion.”
The Collaboratory has 2,600 cores and 18 terabytes of RAM, as well as 7.3 petabytes of storage managed by Ceph. More than 40 research labs and 95 researchers across four continents are using Collaboratory to access 670 terabytes of protected cancer genome data. The Collaboratory has contributed to the research underlying 43 peer-reviewed papers, with an additional 50 papers from the PanCancer Analysis of Whole Genomes project currently in preparation or review.
The Collaboratory team also developed two open-source applications:
- A cost-recovery application providing principal investigators with daily usage and cost metrics
- An enrollment application, allowing researchers to request OpenStack tenants to be created, or users to be added to existing tenants
They have also developed and open-sourced metadata and storage software used to provide granular and time-limited access to the protected data sets only to approved researchers. In addition, they also created Dockstore which allows researchers to package and share bio-infomatics tools and workflows.
The winners competed against impressive finalists: City Network, VEXXHOST and T-Mobile. Previous winners include AT&T, CERN, China Mobile, Comcast, NTT Group, Paddy Power Betfair and UKCloud.
The Superuser Awards launched in 2014 to recognize organizations that have used OpenStack to meaningfully improve their business while contributing back to the community.
Stay tuned for the next cycle of nominations as the Superuser Awards head to the OpenStack Berlin Summit!
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