The OpenInfra Foundation University program aims to expand its horizons beyond the United States, fostering a global community of students engaged in the world of open source technology.


The OpenInfra Foundation University program aims to expand its horizons beyond the United States, fostering a global community of students engaged in the world of open source technology. Notably, Boston University is an associate member of the program and offers two distinct courses that contribute significantly to its impact.

The “Fundamentals of Cloud Computing” course, held during the fall semester, serves as a hub where community members propose projects to professors. Students then have the opportunity to select projects that align with their interests. An innovative approach is taken, where four to five students collaborate on a single project. This setup promotes teamwork and skill development. A significant aspect of this program is the involvement of the OpenInfra Foundation, which hosts OpenStack and Kata Containers. The OpenStack community, known for its seasoned experts and dedicated mentors, has proven instrumental in nurturing talent. The program’s annual recurrence speaks volumes about its reception. Notably, many students who participate in this course have been subsequently hired by Red Hat, highlighting its impact on career pathways.

The second program at Boston University is the Senior Design Course, an opportunity for students to engage in advanced projects. These projects involve managing cloud operations and gaining hands-on experience in upstream development within the community. This unique blend of theoretical knowledge and practical engagement positions students to excel in the ever-evolving landscape of open source technology.

At Oregon State University, an associate member of the OpenInfra Foundation University program, the focus shifts towards operational excellence. The university’s open source lab plays a pivotal role in offering students opportunities to work on OpenStack, with students often being engaged until their graduation. The emphasis on real-world cloud management equips students with skills that are directly applicable in industry settings.

Meanwhile, North Dakota State University offers a Capstone class from January to May each year, concentrating on a single project. This approach ensures in-depth exploration and expertise in a specific area. Additionally, the incorporation of role rotation within project management showcases a holistic approach to skill development, extending beyond just software engineering.

For students eager to contribute, several avenues exist. Students are encouraged to explore advocacy within their academic institutions. If a course aligned with OpenInfra projects is available, students can cultivate a relationship with the respective professor. Independent study also presents an option, provided that the professor can advocate for the project to be recognized for academic credit.

Furthermore, students can participate in various initiatives beyond their academic settings. Opportunities such as Outreachy internships and Google Summer of Code are avenues for meaningful contributions. OpenInfra Days offers platforms for talks, training, and networking. These events facilitate connections with local meetup organizers, enabling students to access the knowledge and training they seek.

To date, the OpenInfra Foundation University program has made substantial strides in bridging the gap between education and open source technology. The collaborations with esteemed institutions like Boston University, Oregon State University and North Dakota State University underscore the significance of this program in shaping the future of tech-savvy professionals worldwide. Through innovative courses, real-world engagement and diverse avenues for involvement, students are empowered to contribute meaningfully to the open source community and embark on promising career journeys.