CalSoft’s Sagar Nangare on the capabilities of this exciting tech.
Intel’s Manjeet Singh Bhatia shares this tutorial.
The object storage system allows users to mount Ceph as a thin-provisioned block device known as RADOS block Device (RBD). Intel’s Mahati Chamarthy offers this overview.
Testing is critical for creating robust, reliable and scalable applications says author Onur Yilmaz. Here’s a tutorial to get started.
John Studarus on why bare metal support is important for Kubernetes and it takes to make it happen.
An overview of how Kata Containers enhance the deployment of containerized applications.
A look inside Red Hat’s innovative solution.
A solution that allows cloud providers to offer both a container deployment platform based on Kubernetes and IaaS services provided by OpenStack accessible through a single set of credentials.
Alexander Trost, one of the project maintainers, gives an overview of Rook and its architecture.
The editor of Superuser on avoiding buzzword bingo and minding your memes.