Learn what application refactoring is, its importance in the context of OpenStack and the general steps to refactoring your application for this platform.
Oyekola Toheeb Olawale, an Outreachy intern, shares what they learned about OpenStack.
How Platform9 is helping the tech company make a “big push” to transform their stack.
Using Heat scripts and a Murano app to get up and running quickly.
Rico Lin, PTL for the orchestration project, offers this tutorial.
Bare metal as-a-service allows you to provision or sequel workloads or SQL workloads and treat them like cloud instances, says Platform9’s Cody Hill.
Sahdev P. Zala and Eduardo Patrocinio from IBM show us how they created a Docker container using Heat-Translator.
Nooruddin Abbas, solution architect at GBM, adds Cinder and Heat in the final part of this three-part OpenStack series.
Julio Villarreal Pelegrino from Red Hat gives a brief introduction to OpenStack Heat and demonstrates how to launch a basic template.