On Jun 13, 2023, during the Openinfra Summit Vancouver keynote, Xu Wang and Tao Peng, two engineers from Ant Group, co-presented a session on explaining Confidential Containers with a live Kata Containers demo.
Local community events in Milan and Rome highlight how research is powered by source technologies.
Matt Zand dives into Pod-to-Pod communications by showing you ways in which Pods within a Kubernetes network can communicate with one another.
This solution runs periodic health checks on Kubernetes nodes, searching for unhealthy instances and triggering replacements when needed.
Testing is critical for creating robust, reliable and scalable applications says author Onur Yilmaz. Here’s a tutorial to get started.
Hear from experts at Intel, CERN, AWS Mesosphere and more at the upcoming Summit.
John Studarus on why bare metal support is important for Kubernetes and it takes to make it happen.
An overview of how Kata Containers enhance the deployment of containerized applications.
Nils Magnus of Open Telekom Cloud shows how it’s done.
A solution that allows cloud providers to offer both a container deployment platform based on Kubernetes and IaaS services provided by OpenStack accessible through a single set of credentials.