Vexxhost comes out swinging with a new region running the 18th release.


It’s a show of strength to run a new software release on day one. Even more so if you’re using it to power a brand new region.

Vexxhost did just that, getting into the ring with OpenStack Rocky on the first day of its release.

The Canadian company launched a new region in Santa Clara, California in the heart of the Silicon Valley that’s also the first cloud provider to run Rocky. Founded back in 2006, Vexxhost started out as a web hosting provider offering services from shared hosting to VPS. They adopted OpenStack software in 2011, to provide infrastructure-as-a-service public cloud, private cloud and hybrid cloud solutions to companies of varying sizes around the world.

The new region offers users the latest features and bug fixes right out of the gate. Also on offer are 40Gbps internal networking and nested virtualization, allowing users to take advantage of technology like Kata Containers, an open-source project building lightweight virtual machines that seamlessly plug into the containers ecosystem. Each virtual machine  has access to the 10Gbps public internet and the new data center is also equipped with high-performance triple-replicated and distributed SSD storage.

For the Rocky release, Vexxhost can also now deploy across three operating systems openSUSE, Ubuntu and CentOS, which helps people use the operating system they’re most comfortable with.

The confidence to take on this challenge comes in part from long experience with OpenStack. CEO Mohammed Naser has been involved since 2011, including as an elected member of the Technical Committee and the current project team lead of OpenStack Ansible as well as a core contributor to OpenStack Puppet.

“The really really cool thing is that the cloud is already being used by the upstream OpenStack infrastructure team,” says Naser. “And it’s always awesome to see the community work together and get all these things done.”

Check out the case study on the community webinar starting at the 13:25 mark or the press release here.

Photo // CC BY NC
