“Open source increases security and privacy, encourages an engaged community and offers the ability to ‘look under the hood’ to diagnose and resolve issues quickly.”


There’s a lot going on in the OpenStack community and it’s easy to get lost in the noise. We’ve collected the top stories and conversations you need to know about this week. From the latest OpenStack resources to news about users, we share the content you need to stay up to date.

OpenStack Manila project approved for Incubation

By: Sean Michael Kerner

Manila, and OpenStack File Share service project, was approved for incubation and could end up in the official integration in the future. To learn more about Manila, check out this introduction from the Atlanta Summit.

###[HP offers OpenStack services offerings](http://www.zdnet.com/hp-offers-openstack-services-offerings-7000033335/)
By: Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols

HP has introduced a professional services department to consult customers who want to set up their own OpenStack clouds. It joins the rank of other OpenStack vendors beginning to offer OpenStack services including Mirantis, Red Hat, and Canonical.

###[Deploy OpenStack via one of these options and skip a management headache](http://www.techrepublic.com/article/deploy-openstack-via-one-of-these-options-and-skip-a-management-headache/)
By: Keith Townsend

For organizations that want to deploy OpenStack but don’t have the internal resources or the technical know-how, a customized distribution or a hosted management option might be your best bet.

###[Canonical details BootStack managed OpenStack cloud service](http://www.v3.co.uk/v3-uk/news/2362941/canonical-details-bootstack-managed-openstack-cloud-service)
By: Daniel Robinson

Canonical released more information about its managed version of OpenStack Bootstack this week, including that the service will build and manage an OpenStack cloud platform for $15/host server/day.

###[Debunking the top open source myths](http://www.networkworld.com/article/2603133/opensource-subnet/debunking-the-top-open-source-myths.html)
By: Rob Howard

Rob Howard, the CTO of Zimbra, defends open source and its viability for enterprise use.

>”Open source increases security and privacy, encourages an engaged community and offers the ability to “look under the hood” to diagnose and resolve issues quickly.” — Rob Howard in [Network World](http://www.networkworld.com/article/2603133/opensource-subnet/debunking-the-top-open-source-myths.html)

>”As previously noted, the OpenStack bandwagon has filled up. Even VMware has embraced OpenStack to some degree.” — Larry Dignan in [ZDNet](http://www.zdnet.com/cisco-red-hat-broaden-partnership-eye-integrated-openstack-systems-7000033316/)

>”One of the fastest growing segments within open software is Software Defined Networking (SDN), which simplifies IT network configuration and management by decoupling control from the physical network infrastructure. The SDN market is projected to surge from $360M to $3.52B in 2018.” — Vala Afshar in [Huffington Post](http://www.huffingtonpost.com/vala-afshar/10-reasons-to-use-open-so_b_5766718.html).


We feature user conversations throughout the week, so tweet, blog, or [email us](mailto:[email protected]) your thoughts!
