
Open source has a built-in guarantee that users are in control. Always.


There’s a lot going on in the OpenStack community and it’s easy to get lost in the noise. We’ve collected the top conversations you need to know about this week. From the latest OpenStack resources to news about users, we share the content you need to stay up to date.

"OpenStack has evolved from its initial focus of offering a private cloud environment for devops use, which allowed developers to quickly blend development and IT operations for speed and efficiency. There is greater enterprise adoption in evidence today, as well as vendors who deploy products and managed services for it." — Paul Mah in FierceCIO

"Open source has a built-in guarantee that users are in control. Always." — Matt Asay in TechRepublic

"I see the future of Trove as being very bright with a huge potential for expansion into other areas, once it is stabilized." — Peter Zaitsev in DZone

"VMware has expanded well beyond the server base virtualization and has its sights set on the entire enterprise data center, including the interface between the developers and the infrastructure. OpenStack is positioned as a solution that gives application developers an interface into the data center." — Keith Townsend in Tech Republic



We feature user conversations throughout the week, so tweet, blog, or [email us](mailto:[email protected]) your thoughts!
