Why OpenStack is a big dog (but still a friendly one) and tackling the meaty question of whether there are too many cooks in the open-source kitchen…


Here’s the news from the OpenStack world you won’t want to miss — the musings, polemics and questions posed by the larger community.

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In Case You Missed It

This week it’s all about who rules: a big dog, a benevolent dictator or an army of chefs stirring the pot. Even with the undercurrent of power struggle, it’s a lot less gloomy than the horror of last week’s articles.

The Register makes a run for the catchiest headline of the week with "How OpenStack became the big dogs’ game – and why it’s still for you." Writer Gavin Clarke talks about the recent vendor consolidation, noting that "The project hasn’t progressed in a controlled way, like the Linux kernel. Rather, it’s become a case of classic open source: complicated and incomplete with people focusing on the bits they felt most interested in." Woof!

Joe Curtis at CloudPro.UK takes up a tougher stance: "Why OpenStack needs a benevolent dictator." Quoting Langton Blue IT consultant Chris Evans, "OpenStack needs a benevolent dictator, a bit like the Linux kernel, someone who controls it and says ‘this is what we’re doing’"

But the article gets tasty when he turns to the oft-used analogy for too many cooks spoiling the open-source bouillabaisse. "His argument that too many cooks spoil the broth speaks against the collaborative element associated with open source projects, which are vaunted as cheap ways for everyone to adopt and adapt a technology, as well as collaborate to fuel innovation and accelerate development." Mmm, mm, good.

There’s still more debate on "What OpenStack Should and Should Not Be over at CMS wire.

In this case, Scott M. Fulton III centers his thoughts around def core: "In the future, when you purchase server racks and storage networks for your data center from multiple sources for different applications, and they all purport to support OpenStack, you’ll want some assurances that they’ll support each other." He talks to SUSE’s director of open source and industry standards and chairman of the OpenStack Foundation Alan Clark, who advocates for DefCore not to define the base specifications for what OpenStack is, but rather what it does. "It’s not a closed, finite definition that will last forever,” stated Clark. “It’s one that is living and growing.”



Cover Image/ by Kenny Louie // CC BY NC) // CC BY NC
