OpenStack is turning 10 this year! Celebrate 10 years of OpenStack with the global community.
The Superuser editorial team wants to encourage contributions from everyone, upholding its goals to serve as a publication for the community, by the community.
This article focuses on the interconnection of OpenStack clouds using Neutron APIs.
If you’re operating OpenStack, the survey delivers your feedback directly to the upstream community.
“although this is a male-dominated industry, this is still an open space for everyone to join in. People are going to respect and listen to your ideas no matter what gender you are…”
“To overcome these obstacles, … , we made some initiatives, such as engaging with other Chinese community members at the meet-ups, hands-on workshops ad-hoc tech meetings in Chinese, translating some documents to Chinese…”
Identify potential bottlenecks in the Neutron API, plan a performance testing and more
A quick history of how and why Zuul is replacing Jenkins in CI testing in the OpenStack community.
This month’s OSF newsletter features the Certified OpenStack Administrator (COA) exam, projects update, upcoming events and more.
“… OpenStack’s stability and maturity are particularly important to us right now. Upgradability is also a key factor for our team….”